Birds and Fairies…Finished Painting!

WOO HOO!  I finished my bird and fairy painting today!  I have had a lot of fun painting this piece. I giggled a lot when I painted the fairy and the birds next to her.  After much deliberation with a few girlfriends, mom and sis, I decided on a title:  “Morning Chit Chat”

Moring Chit Chat bird and fairy painting by Janell Mithani

We had quite a few really good titles texting back and forth, so it was pretty hard to decide.  Here are a few other names I considered: “Night out on the branch,” “Rumor has it…,” “Got any gossip?,” and “Any news from the fairy realm?”

Some were pretty funny, like “I thought we owned this branch, is she paying rent?”  or my mom remembered a line from a song “May the bluebird of happiness fly up your nose!” (I have to say that one gave me a whole new idea for another painting. ) 🙂

My second choice was “Birds of a feather flock together.”

Here is a picture of me finishing up the details on the fairy. Note the paint on my middle finger…it’s my “other brush” that I love to use.

Janell Mithani working on painting Morning Chit chat

Here is the painting on my easel. (Please ignore the messy studio surrounding it!)

Morning Chit Chat painting in studio of Janell Mithani

And another view…

Photo of Painting morning chit chat by Janell Mithani on her easel in studio

And here is another picture of the finished painting…

Moring Chit Chat bird and fairy painting by Janell Mithani

Morning Chit Chat, Acrylic on canvas, 18″ x 36.”

I would love to hear what you think of this painting and other title ideas. I finished it just in time to put in a group art show on Saturday. I also think I will make art prints since I love it so much.

Have a wonderful, creative, day, Janell


30 thoughts on “Birds and Fairies…Finished Painting!

  1. Oh Janell, I love it! You did a fantastic job! I really love the look the fairy is getting. I like all of your titles. My first thought, when I looked at the painting was, “Party Crasher.”
    Well done! Wishing you the best at the art show. Let us know.


  2. I think it’s beautiful Janell, so attractive to look at, some of my favourite colours in there! I like the way you don’t see the fairy at first, but get a bit of a surprise as your eye follows those birds. And what is more fashionable than long blue hair at the moment!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh wow Janell this is painting is fantastic! Love how the fairy appears totally surrounded and accepted as just one of the flock – wonderful creativity and animation. A very exciting piece!

    Liked by 1 person

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